Evil is stirring - dark creatures from nightmares- orcs, demons, and dragons. You have joined the national army to do something about it. The battle is not going well and Queen Erinde is determined to gather anything to herself that will save the kingdom. Ancient tales tell of a savior that arose in dark times past that can be called upon in a time of need. Legend is curiously unhelpful as to the exact nature of this savior but scholars have suggested it lies in the North beyond the near mountains. A group of volunteers and conscripts make up the expedition group. You are one of its members.
In you character study, please let me know a little about your past, how the evil forces have impacted your life (or not), and why you have joined the expeditionary group.
Hosted and narrated by:
Sarah (atreides22)
Started 05/09/14.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License