No one knows when or why Lakeview became the center of everything that made humanity great and also the source of everything that was awful about humanity.
Some people have theorized that the first step was when Ganmer Corporation established its headquarters in Lakeview. Others theorized that Ganmer Corporation was established in Lakeview as an attempt to combat the corruption and decay that was already prevalent there. Still others believe the discovery of the strongest pool of magical energy in 10,000 years under the lake may be the cause, or perhaps it is because of the irregular pockets of radiation found by construction and archaeological crews within and around the city.
Regardless of how it began, Lakeview was the place for the full spectrum of humanity to settle, for opportunities fitting their interests.
Whether it is a result of genetic mutation, at birth, or otherwise, magical experimentation, technological marvels, or you are just a normal person hoping to do some good, you are a hero. You were either born in Lakeview or you have come here seeking to fulfill your destiny. Sadly, that is often easier said than done, and there is someone who is apparently working to undo all that you have done. You need help, so you have joined with several others to try to stop the corruption and decay that is so prevalent in Lakeview.
Hosted and narrated by:
Completed 10/29/20.
Scenes played: 8
License: Community License