Superhero game. Distant past.
The orange smoke clears.
The soothsayer repeats their mantra of old - but this time there are new elements.
The Elders gather, and discuss its meaning. Revered scrolls are consulted.
At last a course of action is agreed upon.
A great evil is to cast its shadow across the land.
Certain Champions are the only ones who can defeat it.
Using ancient magic - the components for which were obtained at great cost - the Champions are summoned.
They are clawed back.
This game is a collaboration between @Nicklien, @CaptainParty and @Bexja.
All players will participate in its direction.
You can adopt a known character, or create your own.
We are not overly obsessed with canon; you may take whatever backstory works for your character.
We will build the game together.
In the story, characters from modern times find themselves summoned back in history. A prophesy has said they are the only ones who can destroy a great evil.
A challenge for the characters is that they will be received as demi-gods. Will this poison their egos?
Many Storium games slow down after the first couple of scenes…. this game is designed to be 2-3 scenes long, with the opportunity to continue in a sequel for those who wish to…
Hosted by:
Bexja (Bexja)
Rotating narration
Started 01/22/22.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License