Another normal day. Another mundane page in the story. Just another sunrise, wherein you take a sip of coffee, read the last few words of the newspaper, and then get up to go to work.
The sign on your doormat doesn’t make any sense. Why would you not be able to go outside? You need to go now or you’re going to be late! Screw the stupid sign!
But…something compels you to stay indoors.
Get ready, because things are about to hit the fan.
Unbeknownst to the general population, an unforecasted meteor just slammed into the Great Plains at full speed, rendering humans within a 500-mile radius changed for a lifetime. Of course, the citizens of your sleepy Missouri town – and anyone else – who stayed indoors are perfectly fine. But no one else is.
Everyone changed when the meteor hit.
But forget about that. I should be congratulating you! You survived the first wave. Impressive, really. If I were you, I wouldn’t get my hopes up, though. But this is a major milestone. You’re still you. Unchanged and unaffected. You deserve to stay alive for much longer than this.
Even when the sirens won’t stop screaming.
Even when the world seems warped and tilted.
Even when your loved ones gaze off into the distance, no matter how you try to bring them back to earth.
Even when the aberrations start coming, you deserve to live a little longer.
Hosted and narrated by:
Tess Sullivan (ItsTheCatsFault)
Started 07/10/20.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License