The Kingdom of Asshru lies in ruins, the once all-powerful King Adriel has been slain by his four princes. Murdered on the Royal Throne whilst his wife stood by, not an ounce of pity or remorse on her face. They have divided up the Kingdom to be ruled by their own taint. The King of Coin, a bandit leader with an insatiable thirst for the wealth and power it brings. The King of Pain, only interested in the suffering of his servants and their families. The King of Death, the prince who sacrificed his mortal plain for control of the underworld. Finally, The King of Darkness, who specialises in the manipulation of intrigue and mystery. These Four powerful Kings have imprisoned you in the dungeon of the once impregnable Castle Kavetch, your journey begins here… Are you ready to conquer those who divided the land and return greatness to the Kingdom of Asshru?
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The concept for this game is lightly focused on D&D and the PC Game ‘Hand Of Fate’. I will be a narrator but also, dealer, dealing challenges that must be faced to defeat the four great houses of the shattered kingdom.
I am looking for a normal to fast paced game but willing to slow down if needed to accommodate. I have allowed no limits to give both me and the player great lee-way with writing lengthier posts and experimenting with backstory etc!
I am looking for between 5-6 players and the classes and cards are all placeholders so can either be used or edited or completely ignored all together!
I am a pretty reliable narrator with several months of Storium experience and would love to have you along for the journey!
Hosted and narrated by:
Jacob Gardner (Jakeie)
Started 02/15/15.
Scenes played: 7
License: Community License