A sci/fi time travel adventure loosely based on the British TV series Doctor Who, without a need for canon knowledge.
This game is nearing the end, but I have the lobby open so newcomers can make contact and get signposted to a suitable game.
This is a fast paced game, played in a welcoming way to meet the needs of each player.
If you think you might like to play, better to try out than miss out…
Leaders from across the galaxy are planning to build a taskforce to take the fight to the daleks for once and for all.
Peace at any cost? Is any price worth paying for peace? What is going to far? And if you create a force that can drive out the greatest threat, how do you prevent that becoming the threat once the evil it was designed to counter is gone?
Even as these decisions are grappled with, democracy is under threat in unexpected ways, and there are other troubling developments….
Hosted by:
Bexja (Bexja)
Rotating narration
Completed 02/22/22.
Scenes played: 15
License: Community License