You are on a game show! Estle Love Island is a show to find love for people who are sad to get their minds off of it. Make sure you pack your bags! Everyone here is their own person. There will be six people participating in this game show. The goal is to find your true love first, and if you are the first to do that, you and your partner win $5000!
- Astrid, a graduate that just came out of a heart break, and is still a bit sad, she is 20.
- Sally, a woman with three kids who are with her mother, just had a divorce, her brother is Samuel, she is 28.
- Janet, a girl who just ran away from home because of her abusive father and is now staying at her best friend’s house, she is 21.
- Johnson, a man who has two colored eyes and got a lot of mean comments, he is 30.
- Robert, a father who just had his fifth divorce, has one pair of twins who are with his sister, he is 26.
- Samuel, he has been depressed for 2 years, he came here with his sister, Sally, he is 22.
Hosted by:
quxcks ♍️ (UnicornDragon_Forever10)
Narrated by:
Mary (Silv)
Started 05/14/20.
Scenes played: 2
License: Community License