Welcome to Fantasy for Beginners, Vol. II!! If you are looking for high adventure, magic, mystery, and a fair bit of horror you have come to the right place.
Thank you so much for taking a minute to stop by. FFB is played with a fresh batch of writers each chapter, and each chapter is a stand alone story with its own beginning, middle, and end. Events do not carry from chapter to chapter so your story begins where you enter without any need to read previous writing.
At the end of each chapter, existing characters will be retired, but fear not! As I did with FFB Vol. I, upon the completion of the entire volume all characters from all chapters will be un-retired so that ultimately you will receive a completed story in your profile (yeah!). FFB Vol. I ran for 3 chapters and approximately 9 to 10 scenes per chapter. I expect FFB Vol. II to be about the same.
Regarding my narration style:
I approach each story with a pretty rough outline of big events that will happen throughout the story as well as the big picture, but I leave the spaces in between pretty loose for you guys to be creative. In most cases, there are some great writers who insert some stuff that makes me have to change my plan and adapt. The story always benefits greatly from this sort of interplay.
I tend to mix some heavily controlled scenes with some looser scenes throughout each story. For some sections, you may feel as if you are riding on rails and very limited in your choices. Typically this occurs when I am leading to a reveal or major event. All I can say is bear with me, as it does loosen up again. If you have any questions about how that works, feel free to read any chapter in FFB, Vol. I as they all follow the same general mold. (And if you do check out FFB, Vol. I, a Favorite would be much appreciated! That is, of course, if you believe we earned it :P)
At times I can put real pressure on a scene with harsh/fatal consequences. Although this sounds brutal, I try to keep a balance between fun and game-like peril in the story. I feel that this has challenged some characters and made for some really great writing out of our groups, which has been awesome.
However, this also gives me a chance to reiterate an important point- read challenges carefully . . . characters can be seriously injured, permanently injured, and die in Fantasy for Beginners. (Mwuah ha ha ha!). I have used this as a tool to get more development out of a character, punish Mary Sues, eliminate non-reponsive writers, and to simply tell a better story. Again, if you have any questions, feel free to read any chapter in FFB Vol. I as examples of this happened throughout. (Especially in Chapters 2 and 3, after I got my bearings on this narration thing.)
One final note regarding submitting characters: I receive regular comments like “does this character look like it will work for your story?” and “Does this fit what you are looking for?” . . . no need to worry about this.
I am looking for something mildly familiar as Fantasy - so unless you try to throw a 35 foot Gundam style robot, hard nosed gumshoe with a .45, or a 3rd generation prince from the Andromeda galaxy at me, I will probably approve the character. I don’t mind if a crew is balanced or unbalance, uniform or wildly diverse, goblin, man, or beast . . . as long as you don’t try to go godlike omnipotence I am ok with it. Mary Sues and characters who show similar traits tend to run into trouble in my stories . . .
So, go ahead and write the character you would have the most fun playing and submit with complete abandon. I have created some natures as well as goals, weak, and strong cards if needed. You are welcome to use them or you are welcome create your own.
That is it, folks! I look forward to writing with any and all who feel like participating here!
For information on specific chapter stories, I typically post in the forum when invitations are open. Check in the “Looking for Group” forum for a post that will have more details on the specific Chapter’s story. Don’t expect much as I tend to employ some mystery in my stories and love to surprise the team! Finally, for fun, when you submit, toss the words Spanish Pickle in your message…this will help me identify those who took the time to read all this :D!
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 - The Deception of the Un-Worhshipped:
Chapter 2 - Fear of Dying - In Progress
Hosted and narrated by:
Matt Moran (zeromusic)
Started 02/16/16.
Scenes played: 31
License: Community License