Welcome to your new home for the next couple of years - The Magic Academy! (Minus school holidays, that is.) Here you’ll learn how to control your specific magical ability from our very own specialists in each topic. We recruit only the best teachers so you can have the best teaching experience.
We teach for all kinds of magi, so you’ll be meeting some with powers you haven’t seen before. How exciting!
Please note: because dormitories are based on cohorts rather than age, you may be boarding near people much younger or much older than you.
Hello! This world is something I’ve worked on for years, and I use a version of it for the DnD campaign I run. Some parts of it have been changed, either be it names or how things function because I someday plan to write several series that take place in it. My plan for this story is to set a more stable basis for the Academy, using everyone’s brainpower and creativity to reach beyond what I can accomplish on my own.
Hosted and narrated by:
Diane Marie (writtenShipper)
Started 05/25/20.
Scenes played: 2
License: Host License