Note: Re-opening submissions after a lull in the story because life happens. I’m the second narrator to this story and things have changed slightly from the original plot but the story remains fairly unaltered. I’m pretty open to characters - within reason, SpiderMan has no business in Frostvale. ;) If you have questions or comments, please let me know.
Since the Alliance of the North won the last great war, peace has reigned in the Seven Kingdoms. The dark wizards and their followers have been banished far to the East - some even say they have left this plane.
But now the remote town of Frostvale has been burned down by black fire. Derlin, the Prince on the Dragon Throne, has promised high rewards to anybody who can uncover the truth behind the destruction and bring him the culprits.
This is a generic fantasy setting (dwarves, elves, wizards and paladins included) - I provided a few facts and a story framework in my intro, but otherwise it is an open world sandbox.
You are encouraged to write your own cards and to add moves without cards.
Map for the region:
Hosted and narrated by:
Bexja (Bexja)
Completed 08/30/21.
Scenes played: 17
License: Community License