“Prince Allesandro’s Jump Lights” (PAJL) made a name for themselves no matter where they were. Professional. Competent. Resourceful. Elite. Almost everyone on active roster had shipped out with the Star Confederation Navy. You signed up, or re-joined, to fill open billets and make a name for yourself.
Fire Team 19-Delta-4, you and the three others, didn’t get the grav carrier ride to the contract site. You were kicked out of a high flying bumpy cargo plane at fifteen thousand meters. Managing to survive what was now your fifth jump you were awarded jump wings. They looked pretty cool on your fresh tan uniform. Local contacts took the chutes and containers and pointed you to a pair of dugout canoes manned by a couple wearing funny looking orange caps. They seemed to dislike PAJL tans and spoke little as they handed you oars, rearranged your meager supplies, and paddled a kilometer and a half to the island.
Your mission is pretty simple; a Professor Plum is doing research on the jungle island. He pays for security. That PAJL is involved says he pays well and needs more than a uniform with a revolver. Your squad leader and the relief Fire Team (19-Delta-5) will replace you in ten days. You have Advanced Combat Rifles (ACR), standard jungle kit, and brand new boots. Keep Plum alive, mostly happy, and don’t mess up.
Should be easy, right?
Vital Intel:
You are members of a mercenary unit with a proud tradition. The entire planet (50,000 people) knows your unit and many people on the street have worn the tans proudly. Act well and you will be noticed. Embarrass the unit and discover there’s a lot of uncharted land to be found in. Eventually.
Keys: Be heroes. Be heroic, this is not a gritty game. No PvP, the challenges are big enough.
Species, Gender: Humans only, no other species. No gender restrictions.
Pick an archetype: New Recruit just getting in to the unit or Veteran returning from civilian life.
Hosted and narrated by:
Leam Hall (Leitz)
Completed 01/09/19.
Scenes played: 5
License: Community License