‘This is where our magic comes from?’
‘This candle holds the miracle given to our family.’
‘How did we get a miracle?’
‘Long ago, when my three babies had just been born, your Abuelo Pedro and I were forced to flee our home. And though many joined us, hoping to find a new home, we could not escape the dangers and your abuelo was lost. But in our darkest moment, we were given a miracle. The candle became a magical flame that could never go out, and it blessed us with a refuge in which to live. A place of wonder.’
‘An encanto.’
You are a descendant of the Madrigals: A family given a miracle that gives them gifts. Of course, every family has their issues and it can be difficult to navigate them.
Disclaimer I am not Latinx or Hispanic in anyway. I will do my best to research out and would like to consult people who are as I run this game, but I am not either of those.
Hosted by:
Drucellia (Drucellia)
Narrated by:
Oberon (Jaspericorn)
Started 01/25/22.
Scenes played: 1
License: Host License