A game of swords and sorcery, except a couple thousand years in the future. Instead if sailing on the sea island to island, you will soar through space planet to planet. You and your group of allys live your life like people did in the middle ages, with some technological benifits. You choose to either pillage, raid, and destroy or protect people from technological monsters.
New players. We are currently in the middle of a mission. You can Choose to join as one of the elves Thia or Lia , one of the Dwarves Binwin, Glim or Balder, or a Drow called Vorgryn. Or you can wait until after the mission to join the group and have a custom character. It must be an elf though. The elf city we are in are closed to outsider due to a war.
Hosted and narrated by:
nathaniel perrigo (LinkUnleashed)
Started 05/01/14.
Scenes played: 17
License: Community License