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The world is a united utopia known as Kiachrysmo, whose people are divided into three general parts: Mind, Heart, and Instinct.
Mind-Those who think before they leap.
Heart-Those who feel before they leap.
Instinct-Those who know before they leap.
There’s almost no prejudice between these three clans, though they do compete in almost everything: most power, most money, most land.
There are others, though. Those known as Maximums, those who have the full power of the world in their hands. They are outcast of society, exiled to the Wastelands, the hell-world just beyond nowhere.
An uprising is brewing, nicknamed the Maximum Override, to overthrow the totalitarian leaders of Kiachrysmo, to give the power to those who deserve it and know how to take care of it, growing it and brewing it just like the rebellion: the Maximums. This group isn’t only composed of Maximums, but of others who hate the government or the choices their lives are given. And now, it is finally in motion. Get ready to take a side, to use force, to change the world.
Hosted and narrated by:
U. N. Owen (Human0id)
Started 06/13/19.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License