In a different 21st century, rockets fly from Earth to the Lunar colonies and beyond to the ancient civilizations of Mars and the steaming jungles of Venus.
World War II ended with the defeat of the Nazis and a newfound respect for the women who had worked the factories and flown the aircraft in that fight. After the war, a renewed interest in science led to (among other things) the confirmation of extensive canal systems on Mars. Larger and larger rockets were built, with seemingly no limit to their size, and the women aviators of the WAF and the Night Witches were among the first volunteers to fly them to the Moon and Mars.
Other missions soon followed, with the invention of nuclear-powered spacecraft and improved life support. The Martian rockets had found a dead world, with ancient cities long abandoned, but a scientific mission to Venus revealed teeming swamps home to all manner of strange reptilian life forms.
On Mars, thriving boomtowns spring up to serve the explorers who loot study the treasures of the ancients, while scientists try to reverse engineer the old machines.
On Venus, AphroditeCorp ruthlessly exploits its monopoly on planetary development, driving an entire planet of desperate miners and harvesters to bring back uranium, precious metals, and all manner of plant and animal life.
Further out, dark shapes are visible in the clouds of the gas giants, while distant Pluto also beckons.
But as of today - January 1st, 2050 - humans seem to be the only intelligent life forms in the Solar System.
Hosted and narrated by:
Lach MM (LMac)
Completed 03/17/21.
Scenes played: 7
License: Community License