This is the TV show everyone is talking about; The Tower. Dangerous, exciting and terrifying, its truly a race for your life. 100 floors of challenges, traps, pitfalls and dead ends, you must make your way from the penthouse to the exit first. But it’s not going to be easy; you will need to help each other out. The prize is instant fame and wealth, to be catapulted to celebrity imortality. If you fail, you don’t get out…
Hey, I aiming for this to be a bit of a futuristic dungeon crawl, with lots of fairly chunky challenges. Its not going to be a gladiator match, but there may be a little combat. I want to focus more on the challenges, emotions and team structure than blood and gore.
That said, i may need to kill characters out from time to time, because it is a competition… Thats a rule from the start, so dont get upset; I will give you warning, and may even let you write your own demise though! ;-p
I want this to be about normal people, not cybernetic ninjas and supersoldiers. In your intro can you explain why you applied for the TV show and how it fits in your backstory. Implants, tricks and skills are all good- make your own cards if you want, but please check it against the “man in the street” idea. Thanks!
Hosted and narrated by:
Sam Armstrong (OneWheelSam)
Completed 01/29/15.
Scenes played: 11
License: Community License