It’s Pac Man, from the point of view of the ghosts! This is not based on any canon.
If you know something of the ghosts as devised for the arcade game then that will be a good place to start (and it is easy to Google that) but you are not restricted to that, and if you don’t know, it won’t be a problem.
We live in a maze, relying on little energy tablets, that Pac Man keeps eating. Sometimes, in self defence, we bop him over the head to try to make him leave us alone - but every now and then he gets a surge of energy and rushes at us to eat us!
We get a bad press and are seen as one-dimensional beings. Well, it’s not true, we’re just trying to live out our lives as best we can. And it is time our story was told.
Hosted and narrated by:
Bexja (Bexja)
Completed 03/29/24.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License