Thousands of years ago, the dark mage Zuran performed an act of magic that banished magical creatures to a Place Below, where they now live in fear of Zuran.
Well, most of them, anyways.
Nowadays, the creatures have begun to come back, little by little. And Zuran has assumed a mortal form - for now, at least.
One day, when Zuran is out walking through a forest that (wholly coincidentally) sprang up when he came, he encounters an elf. The elf shoots an arrow that spears Zuran’s favorite bird, and the mage’s resulting act of violence goes too far.
Other creatures are coming up to the surface now. And Zuran has killed more than eighty of them.
Hosted and narrated by:
Silver Mist (kittengirltiger)
Started 05/31/19.
Scenes played: 1
License: Host License