Love Eventually is an online dating simulator. Its target audience are those who are unsure of their flirting and conversational capabilities, those who want to hone their dating skill sets and those who are unsure if love, dating and marriage is ultimately for them.
Members can create a profile based on either themselves or the person they wish to become. They submit the profiles to the System, along with their various preferences, whereupon they will be matched with someone.
Members can request to be matched with someone in a marriage sim, where they play the role of already-married spouses, with or without children. Members can also request a sequence of first-dates to practice their charm.
There is no fee, the only requirement is that Members must play through the script handed them.
All simulations will be conducted online and all interactions recorded.
Notes: This is intended to be funny and filled with tropes and cliches. The setting is intended to be a sort of Second Life situation where everyone is in a real world simulator online and everyone can see each other’s interactions.
Feel free to create your own natures, strengths and weaknesses.
Each scene will be narrated to a “couple”, who will be named at the beginning of the scene. Those players not currently engaged in the scene directly can comment as part of the peanut gallery while they “learn”.
Currently, we have 4 introvert males, 2 femme fatales, 1 crazy lady – so pick something that you think will interact well with the current players. At this point I highly suggest reading part of the game to get a feel for the players..
Players can ask for certain scenarios in comments. Otherwise, I will throw tropes and romance-novel drivel at you in abandon.
Lastly? Troll characters are welcome. Not all first dates can be with someone awesome. If you want to play a negative archetype for people to practice their confrontation skills on, feel free.
Hosted and narrated by:
Katje Xia (katje)
Started 05/12/14.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License