Each year three special students are selected to go to the School of Alyxa.
These students may or may not know how to use their powers. Doesn’t matter. They’ll learn.
Most non-magicals, named Erus, don’t know that magic exists. Only Mereiuns know. They are the ones who can control this power. Most Mereiuns have a single ability, called their starter, which they can control without needing anything. But to control magics that aren’t their starters, Mereiuns need a prop of some kind: a wand, a staff, a knife, anything. You cannot choose your prop. Your prop must choose you. There is only one which will work for you. You can only have another if your is destroyed. But purposefully destroying your own prop will cause no other prop to choose you again. Some props may determine your future.
Magic is usually passed down by blood, but sometimes it will choose a Eru.
Each year, three special students are chosen to go to the school for Alyxa, as level 1. This is always a very high honor.
Communication is sent through magic. No pets allowed. No cheating or you will be sent home. Magic is permitted outside class. No dueling. Dorm rooms will be shared, unless an exception is made. Tutoring from level 3+ students is allowed. Once a week, you will be allowed to go down to the market, level 2 and under with supervision.
Hosted and narrated by:
Ryurei (StormSaphire)
Started 12/11/20.
Scenes played: 3
License: Host License