This game supplements “Partners In Crime”. In this story we will post all the posts relevant to the behavior of your character as an undercover snitch. This might mean your briefing before the job, or any actions that you take during the job.
This is also a good place for us to discuss whatever it is you want to do undercover, and how it manifests in “Partners In Crime”.
There is no need to create a character, you can simply copy your character from “partners in crime”, and you don’t even have to do that. There will be no challenges here. If you want, you can write in the character’s bio here how it was that you started working with the police, but this isn’t necessary.
Once the game is finished, this game will become public, and we will inform the rest of the players of its existence.
Hosted and narrated by:
Michael Omer (smikeo)
Completed 01/11/15.
Scenes played: 6
License: Community License