Our story follows a group of people, called “Sliders”, as they travel (“sliding”) between different Earths in parallel universes via a vortex-like wormhole, hoping to return safely to their own respective Earths. The vortex can only be opened after a specific but random period of time in each new universe, monitored by a countdown clock on a portable timer that they carry; failure to open the vortex in time would strand the Sliders in that universe. The travelers have no control over what world they end up in, and must continually look for the means to find their way back to their own home dimensions.
Unlike the television show of the same name, each character hails from a different Earth, one that differs in some way from each other’s and our own. The story will start out with all of the Sliders finding one another for the first time on the current world, having passed through the vortex…either accidentally or intentionally…when it briefly appeared in their own dimension. From here forward they will travel as a group using the newly discovered device that opens the vortex, and they will be working together to find a way back to their own respective worlds.
Hosted and narrated by:
Dave (DrGoose)
Started 10/28/18.
Scenes played: 1
License: Community License