The ART Albus Sanator continued its silent drift through space. The engines, massive behemoths of a once more-common technology, continued to burn slowly in the epic expanse of the empty void. A massive, hulking ship the Albus Sanator is a ship holding many secrets waiting to be discovered, the ship at centre of Advanced Resource Technologies growing fleet constantly edged through the fringe areas of human controlled territory. Aboard, no one knows the true purpose or reason of the massive ship – hushed rumours and whispered tones infer something more sinister aboard the ship once so proudly launched as a pinnacle of technology than the mere appearance of a research vessel.
Deep within the bowels of the ship, a hissing erupts in a vast room filled with only the eerie blue light of the many stasis tubes used to house travellers going through deep-space journeys. The noise reaches a crescendo before the outer toughed case detaches and launches the naked inhabitants of the stasis incubators onto the cold metal grating that covered the flooring of the room. The dim light does not deter the rotting stench of stasis fluid that stings the nostrils of the recently purged travellers. However, as their eyes slowly adjust to the near darkness, they slowly begin to realise that this is not the ship they had boarded for their travels…. This was not the journey they had embarked upon…
Welcome to The Awakening as Science Fiction horror story set aboard a large research vessel far from the reaches government intervention and supervision. You will be playing one of a handful of survivors successfully purged from their stasis pods during an electronic malfunction within the bowels of the ship. Throughout your journey you will face tremendous fears, human insanity and genetic manipulation and great pain and suffering. The Albus Sanator may well be your last resting place on your journey to escape and survive the insane machinations that only the cruellest of humanity could create… or did they require alien assistance? All will be revealed in this Storium!
I am looking for a cast between 2 and 5 with the possibility of myself playing the Ship AI that may be assisting you on your escape… Or not. I am looking for a normal schedule of a scene a week but hopefully a little bit quicker to begin with as I am very excited for this Storium to get going. I will be following the novella arc with the aim to get this Storium completed with a dedicated cast. I will be creating some base cards for natures but these are completely not obligatory and I will be excited to see what you come up with. Strength cards are completely up to you to create or use my own but use ‘broad’ ideas such as ‘Strong’ etc. For weakness my cards provide a guide you must have a Stasis related weak card for the first scene or two to help the story! My only rule will be that posts be a minimum of 250 words as I find small posts not as useful for driving the plot forward. Your character must also acknowledge their last memory before entering stasis in their biography.
If you have any questions just private message me or put it in the Green Room! :)
Looking for One Or Two More Survivors
Hosted and narrated by:
Jake Green (Jakeie1991)
Started 09/26/15.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License