This game is presented as a chance for people new to Storium to get to grips with things and ask questions, as they find their way to additional games. You might see this to the end, or it would be acceptable to leave once you are established.
I will have less internet access for the coming week - I will respond to you, but my typing may be erratic and short as I am using a portable device.
So now we are all in trouble.
The Emperor had new clothes. Take the old ones to the incinerator, he said. Such sad rags should not be associated with me.
So his footman did take them down to the incinerator.
Except at the incinerator, they said that would be a waste. Take them to the Royal Housekeeper to make them into blankets for the widows and orphans of the city.
So the incinerator sweeper did just that and went to the Housekeepers assistant.
But the Housekeeper’s assistant had a better idea. Those clothes would not make good blankets, and they are worth more intact. So sell them, and the money can be used to buy more, better things for the poor.
So they were taken to the Mistress of the Robes, who sold them to a supplier for a bag of gold.
That supplier sold them on to another merchant, who took them out of town, seeking a great price from the nobility.
Now the Emperor has nothing to wear for the banquet tonight. So he has sent his messenger to the incinerator, charged with being sure to run and get there before it is too late. On pain of death.
As I say, now we are all in trouble.
Hosted by:
Bexja (Bexja)
Rotating narration
Completed 04/13/22.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License