Several years have passed since the legendary storming of Area 51, where a small group of conspiratorialists, seemingly working for a mysterious employer named “The Hydra”, lured a huge delusional crowd from a music festival into creating such a diversion that allowed them to discover the hidden secrets of its underground base.
The “stormists”, as they called themselves, were formed by a hacking wizard, a mercenary, a secret agent, and a conspirational Youtuber.
Finding out that “The Hydra” was actually a captive multi-headed gorilla-like alien creature with telepathic abilities, the stormists helped it escape the base with its space-ship. “The Hydra”, actually a cosmonaut and a scientist, dropped them safely on the top of a mountain but announced that its ship sent an emergency signal upon its capture and that its race would probably send a cleansing team to purge human life from Earth.
Listed as the number one public enemies, the stormists got away with it for five years, meanwhile trying to process what to do with the terrible secret until FBI agents finally tracked them down.
Hosted and narrated by:
Vort Ahar (Vortahar)
Started 09/10/20.
Scenes played: 3
License: Host License