When a fisherman had been lost at sea, taken far from home by a vicious storm, then lost in confused navigation and driven further and further north, he made a discovery that would send ripples throughout the Illyrian city-states.
By luck or by the guidance of the gods, this man made it back to the City of Ten Towers and spoke of what he had seen. An island covered in perpetual snow, ruled by giant-like creatures, blown by strange, enchanted winds and dotted by ancient ruins of unimaginable proportions. At last, the fabled remains of Asel’Tarr, fortress and last resting place of the Third Emperor Askillion, had been discovered.
Six months later, an expedition was mounted, spearheaded by the eccentric magister Munrax. Under his patronage, two ships had been enlisted and a small army of a retinue mustered: entertainers, slaves, sailors, soldiers, mages, scholars, adventurers, mercenaries, priests, craftsmen, reformed criminals and anything in-between, turning a thirty-man expedition into a hundred-man carnival.
You are among this diverse crew and hanger-ons. Whatever your story, you have been brought along for this daring expedition - willingly or not, your life will inevitably change after this. That is, if you can survive.
Hosted and narrated by:
Kim (Rovan)
Started 07/30/21.
Scenes played: 3
License: Community License