Grand Rapids, 1962, in the heart of summer.
Paul Auster knew it was going to be a bad day when he woke from his desk to the sound of rapping on his office door knocker. He couldn’t make out how many shapes were moving outside the tinted glass window, but it was certainly more than one. His left hand moved to hold his forehead while his right stashed the half empty whiskey decanter in a desk drawer.
Who are these people and what do they want?
I want you to be creative here, to dive into rich characters, and I will be choosing those I deem most rich. My strengths, weakness, and subplots are guide posts; use them if you can’t think of anything better. The more in depth the back stories, the more pleased I will be. I have no assumptions, no pre-scripted plot devices, no railroading planned for this story; come what may. This will run at a more relaxed pace so feel free to take your time. I am going to try and create challenges that stretch you. Let’s make a story.
Hosted and narrated by:
Adam Brooks (AdamTheRed)
Started 05/30/14.
Scenes played: 9
License: Community License