For three long years, a bloody war between the Calistian Empire and the Vien Commonwealth tore the land apart. Swords clashed, guns roared, and hideous magic best left buried was recklessly unleashed in the name of victory. The generals plotted, the soldiers fought, but it was the ordinary people who suffered the most.
The greatest prize of all, center of the civilized world, was the ancient city of Astra. It was ostensibly neutral, independent, and open to all, but both Calistia and Vien wanted sole possession of the city… and were willing to go to war to get it.
The war is over. An uneasy peace has now reigned for almost one year. Aside from all the lost loved ones and the ruin that still haunts parts of the land, the war might as well never have happened; neither side managed to claim Astra for its own, and things are more or less as they always were.
Still, as much darkness as there was in the past, the future seems bright. The will and the capacity to make war is exhausted, leaving a people who yearn for peace and a brighter future– and there is no better place to reach for a brighter future than Astra. Although besieged during the war, both sides showed it a great deal of respect, allowing it to escape mostly unscathed. With the hardship of war that has gripped much of the rest of the land, that makes it even more of a beacon for civilization.
Merchants go to sell their goods in the grandest markets in the world. Pilgrims go to pay homage to the Sun God and his Eight Divine Wives. Aspirants to any profession go to seek their fortune, whether that profession is lofty or low. And some wanderers go just to say that they’ve been.
The road to Astra awaits…
Hosted and narrated by:
Amber (sparkletwist)
Completed 08/29/17.
Scenes played: 12
License: Community License