For centuries the city of Kartazsh has stood as one of the crossroads of the known world. Nestled at the base of the mountain pass known as the Stairs of Golat, the Kartzash is the link between the vast empires of the south and the trackless wilderness of the north. Petty warlords and bandit kingdoms have lusted after the city’s wealth, but thick walls and well-paid mercenaries have kept the Circle of Crones in power since its founding. Kartazsh is a place for the hungry and ambitious, a den of schemers and intriguers, a place for exiles and dreamers who have no other place in the world. As long as one does not cross the Circle, anything is possible in Kartazsh for those willing to pay the price. Thus it has always been.
But nothing lasts forever.
Disaster strikes, cutting off Kartazsh from the outside world and fanning the long-simmering flames of discontent. The actions of a few will determine whether the city arises from the fire like a phoenix or is lost like ash in the wind.
Hosted and narrated by:
D Ganz (Ganz)
Completed 06/20/18.
Scenes played: 8
License: Community License