On Storium, we are often builders of worlds. Sometimes it is grand and beautiful, and other times it is the equivalent of four-year-olds Elmer’s glueing macaroni to a sheet of bright green construction paper. Now, this will be a meta experience, hands down super meta, as you will be playing yourself, in a group setting–building a world together.
You and your team of fellow writers have been charged with taking this map, which I will send to you in its completion as a jpeg file to design and create an entire world of people, cultures, languages, histories, religions, and governments. We need to fill the map in. What I have created is the starting point, but this world is far more yours as a group, than just the pencil on the page.
The idea is simple, we will play as writer characters building out this fantasy setting and filling it to the brim with new ideas.
In playing yourself, you should have motives of buildings the largest chunks of your particular section of the world. Now, even though this is a meta process, this is still a game. There will be INTERRUPT CARDS, BETTER IDEA CARDS, TRASH TALK, and other manners of table top discussions.
We are going to be writing a story about writing a story. Everything is a go . . . for now. You’ll have to spend time convincing the other writer characters why your idea is the best, and argue about why their ideas should not be or how they should change.
Now the fun part.
Once we have nailed down this entire fantasy/steampunk/sci-fi world, we will then have the entire basis for writing a Storium with an entire backlog of lore built in for a more cohesive story telling experience.
Hosted and narrated by:
Ryan Moore (ryanvstheworld)
Completed 04/04/16.
Scenes played: 14
License: Community License