.2038. 20 years after Day 0, after they rose. Oh hell, why am I writing it like this, like my grandfather tells it, I was a toddler when it happened.
Here’s the lowdown: 20 years ago, zombies started attacking normal citizens, and to this day, we still don’t know where they hell they came from.
It took them 10 years to carve out a place for us here, and honestly, we’re pretty self sufficient. We’ve got resources, more medical supplies than any other standing town, but here’s the problem: Food. Our harvest this year leaves much to be desired, and my daddy isn’t sure if it’s gonna last us all winter. He wanted to go about this officially, collecting volunteers to on this mission, but between you and me, that would be a bad idea. People are too comfortable here, they don’t think much of the problems of the outside world. Daddy asking for help would send them all into a panic.
So I’m asking you, your team, I’ll pay you of course, in whatever you need. We’re desperate. Come with me to establish a trade between Binghamton and the towns up north, and we might have a chance this winter. Zombies are still a problem, and we haven’t talked to the other towns since a few years after Day 0, since no one wants to leave their towns, but this’ll go okay, right?
-Charlie (Charlotte) Bearn
Hosted and narrated by:
Erin (seratonia)
Started 11/30/18.
Scenes played: 4
License: Community License